Sunday, September 19, 2010

Cross curriculum elements

Home economics is not just about cooking and sewing but about using technology and many influences from other subjects. The use of mathematics within Home economics is somewhat influential, as it is used to ensure that techniques and practices are appropriately utilised. Within textiles applications it is used to measure and calculate the amounts of textiles that are required to produce textile items. Mathematics is also utilised during the manufacturing process before the fabric is even constructed to ensure that the properties of the fabric are what is required. English is another key component in any subject. We use English to embed the required information, to evaluate the gathered/learnt information and to express evaluations or ideas. It is my opinion after viewing my mentor teacher deliver her lessons that cross curriculum elements are frequently used to embed the necessary information.

1 comment:

  1. That is so insightful Tania. Understanding the literacy and numeracy demands of your subject will support your students in performing the required tasks. I am looking forward to seeing how you embed these elements in your unit.
